Man-furs as they are sometimes called, are very popular because they are so warm. Many men view wearing fur as a noble symbol dating back to the kings of Europe. In all different styles – from the ranch fur coat to the bomber fur to mink jackets with detachable hoods, to car coats and double breasteds, you can definitely find something that suits you. As a result, you will stay warmer than anyone who decides to wear simple pea coats and trench coats.
Even if you think that an entirely fur coat may be too much for your personal style, you can start small. You can choose a fur collar to wear on a coat, or maybe a fur lining on the inside. And if you still feel uneasy, try wearing a mink trooper hat with a leather crown. This will help you stay warm and ease into a new fashion if you have never worn fur before.
Men’s furs are decidedly posh – try to let anyone tell you otherwise. And if you disagree, then you shouldn’t wear one; you won’t have the confidence to pull it off.
THIS IS DISGUSTING. By selling, buying, wearing, and recommending fur, you are advocating the practice of SKINNING ANIMALS WHILE THEY ARE ALIVE AND CONSCIOUS. How is it "posh" to wear something made of 30 or 40 mutilated corpses?! How is it "noble" to hold animals upside down and begin cutting the skin off their backs while they kick and scream, then throw them in a pile on the ground as they lie, bloodied and agonized, for 5-10 minutes before dying?! Describing fur clothing as having "luxury and mystique" is like slowly dismembering a beautiful young girl, then decapitating her and holding up a piece of her corpse to say, "Isn't it beautiful?" That is what is done to hundreds of animals every day at fur farms. Do you really want to advocate this??
The man fur has a manly appeal that's why it's attractive. It's a sure win to add to people who collect mens overcoats.
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